Create RPG in minutes with AI
No graphic designer. No coding skills required.
Currently in research and development. Sign up to be notified when our private beta is released.
How does it work?
You can create a map, events, and more with a simple prompt. No graphic designer. No coding skills required.
Create a map just with a prompt !
Set a simple prompt and get a unique map: a forest, a swamp, a castle, a desert, a snowy plain, etc.

Choose your style
You don't have to be a graphic or level designer, just create a map with prompts: pixel art, cartoon, pokemon style, etc.

Automated overlay and collision
The map is more than just a generated image: it includes overlays and collision elements. You can modify these overlays and collisions at any time through the application.

Create events with a prompt
Generate events on the map for the scenario: a character talking with a choice, giving items, or game currency. Create more or less complex scenarios ... just with prompts!

Create a combat system
Put in a gameplay, like a combat system. The hero must defeat a monster. Define combat characteristics with ... more prompts

What you can do/can't do
RPGJS Studio is a tool that allows you to create RPG maps and scenarios with AI. Here are the things you can do and the things you can't do.
- Generate a map without graphic resources
- Create your own style
- Create events with a prompt
- Generate characters graphics (spritesheet)
- Import spritesheets
- Generate sounds
- Generate background music
Frequently Asked Questions
When will RPGJS Studio be available?
For the moment, it's still in the research and development stage. We encourage you to join our whitelist.
Will I get an invitation after whitelisting?
Not just yet. We'll gradually select people from the white list
Why join the white list?
To be among the first to access RPGJS Studio, initially free of charge, and then to benefit from the following advantages
Will RPGJS Studio be paid for?
We'll be offering a free service, but the app will also come with paid-for offers. People who sign up for the whitelist will be eligible for benefits (such as extra credits, etc.). For your information, the RPGJS game engine remains opensource and free of charge.
Can I create an entire game with RPGJS Studio?
That's our ultimate goal! But for now, you can create a map with a scenario
Can I sell the generated game?
Yes, the game can be exported as a web version. We plan to export to other platforms.
Can I do multiplayer?
RPGJS Studio does not yet support multiplayer (MMORPG), but we plan to do so in the near future.